Launch Team Gathering – Week 5

Launch Team Gathering

(English Below) Launch Team Gathering



今週も場所は「レンタルダンススタジオdegage」です! 興味がある方はどなたでもお気軽にお越しください!


住所:〒330-0063 埼玉県さいたま市浦和区高砂3-7-17

5 weeks to the launch day of BridgeCity Church!

We will go through the program called “NEXT STEP” this week. NEXT STEP is made up of four steps that equip you to follow Jesus, connect to the church and people, discover your purpose and serve others. We will work on its first step called “CONNECT” this week.

We will meet at the “Rental Studio Degage”! Anyone who is interested is welcome so please feel free to come join us!

*Kids are welcome.

Date: March 11 (Sunday)
Place: Rental Studio Degage
Address: 3 Chome-7-17 Takasago, Urawa Ward, Saitama, Saitama Prefecture 330-0063
Time: 1:00PM-3:00PM

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