勝利の方程式 A Formula For Victory


Jesus Christ said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33b) This good news is the weapon to win the battle. In this three-week series, you’ll learn the enemy’s tricks, develop strategies out of them, and derive a formula for victory.

嘘を信じることをやめる Stop Believing Lies 1 of 3

By Yasuhito Hontani | 02.14.2021

みことばにとどまる Stay in the Word 2 of 3

By Yasuhito Hontani | 02.21.2021

教会に築き上げられる Be Built Up The Church 3 of 3

By Yasuhito Hontani | 02.28.2021