<Important notice regarding our service>
(更新 : 2020.12.31)
[English Below] ブリッジシティチャーチの礼拝について
- お越しになる際はマスクの着用をお願いいたします。
- 体調不良の方は、教会への参加はお控えください。
- 手洗い、うがい、アルコール消毒の徹底をお願いします。
- コーヒーとお菓子等の提供をしばらくの間お休みいたします。
- 教会内での食事を伴うイベントについてもお休みいたします。
- 教会内にアルコールハンドジェルを設置しておりますのでご利用ください。
- 入り口にて検温を実施しております。
- ご挨拶時の握手などは控えさせていただきます。
- ワーシップ後に部屋の換気を行います。
Regarding our service
Our church is open to those who wish to come to church. If you are planning to come to church, please read the following measures before coming to church and we ask you to use your discretion.
Request to everyone
- Please wear a mask at all times in the church building.
- If you are not feeling well, or sick, please refrain from attending church.
- Please wash your hands, gargle, use sanitizer thoroughly
BridgeCity Church Measures
- Coffee & snacks will not be served until further notice.
- Any church gatherings/events that include meals will be canceled until further notice.
- Please use the alcohol sanitizer at the church.
- We will check the body temperatures of all visitors at the entrance.
- We will refrain from shaking hands.
- Immediately following the worship time, we will ventilate the building.
<About Kids Program>
Due to the new coronavirus, our church’s kids program is currently canceled. Therefore, we ask children to stay with their parents during the service. We have toys and coloring for small children. The service is held on the first floor, but if the room is going to be crowded, we also have a room on the second floor. The room would be ready for you to watch our live streaming service and for your kids to play with some toys. Please be aware that it will be like this for a while until the corona to settle down. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
<You can join our online service from the link below.>